CiA® 402 series: CANopen device profile for drives and motion control

This set of profile specifications standardizes the functional behavior of controllers for servo drives, frequency inverters, and stepper motors. It also introduces several operation modes and corresponding configuration parameters. The profile description includes a finite state automaton (FSA) that defines internal and external device behavior for each state. The state of the drive determines which commands are accepted and whether high power is applied. States are changed when a control-word from the host-controller is received. They can also be changed due to internal events. The current state is indicated by the status-word. The control-word and different command values (e.g. velocity) are mapped into default RPDOs (receive process data objects). The status-word and different actual values (e.g. position) are mapped into TPDOs (transmit process data objects).
This profile has been partly standardized in the IEC 61800-7 series. The original CiA 402-2 is now IEC 61800-7-201. It describes functional behavior including the FSA and all process data and configuration parameters. CiA 402-3 contains mainly the PDO definitions, nowadays published in IEC 61800-7-301. In February 2024, CiA has released the revised versions of CiA 402-2 and CiA 402-3. The updated parts introduce 64-bit position values and some additional operation modes. It is intended to update the IEC standards according to the recent CiA 402 parts as soon as it is possible.
The CiA 402-3 (included in the IEC standard) specifies a set of generic default PDOs available to all drives as well as a set of specific default PDOs applicable only to a specific class of drives such as servo drives, frequency inverters or stepper motors. CiA has developed a third set of standardized PDOs optimized for easy system integration (CiA 402-5). CiA 402-4 specifies the safety parameters and dedicated SRDO (safety-related data objects) parameters as defined in EN 50325-5 (CANopen Safety). This approach is based on the Generic Safety Drive Profile from Ethercat Technology Group (ETG).
In October 2016, CiA has released the CiA 402-6 specifying the default 64-byte PDO usage for CANopen FD networks. The PDO sets are defined for servo drives and stepper motors (use the same set), for frequency converters as well as for multiple-axes systems.
On the one hand, CiA 402 is one of the best-specified motion control profiles. On the other hand, the multitude of optional functions and parameters limits the exchangeability of devices compliant to CiA 402. Some vendors implement only a subset of the mandatory functions and parameters, but still claim CiA 402 conformity.
Title | Details | Published Size |
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ScopeThis document provides general definitions on functional elements of power drive systems. It also defines application modes such as for torque, velocity, and position control. |
2023-12-05 365 KB | DSP Login |
ScopeThis document specifies the basic drive functional behavior and additional application functional elements as given in IEC 61800-7-201. This includes the specification of drive operation modes and application data for power drive systems such as frequency converters, servo controllers, or stepper motor controllers. It includes the definition of real-time control objects as well as of configuration, adjustment, identification and network management objects. The document specifies the PDS finite state automaton (FSA), which can be controlled externally by a control device communicating via a CAN-based network. NOTE This document specifies some differences compared with IEC 61800-7-201:2015, which are not yet introduced in the IEC standard. |
2024-02-06 4 MB | DSP Login |
ScopeThis document specifies CANopen PDO communication and mapping parameters power drive devices. In addition, this document specifies the PDO mapping attributes for communication and application parameters. |
2024-02-06 1 MB | DSP Login |
ScopeThis series of profile specifies the CANopen interface of power drive systems. It is suitable for drive and motion controllers. It specifies several operating modes for frequency inverters, servo-controllers, and stepper motors. The series of profile is split in several parts: • Part 1: General definitions; • (Part 2: Operation modes and application data); • (Part 3: PDO mapping); • Part 4: Safety functionality; • Part 5: PDO mapping superset. Part 2 and part 3 are substituted by the international standards IEC 61800-7-201 respectively IEC 61800-7-301. This part specifies the safety functionality for electrical drives and motion controllers compliant with the CiA 402 profile. It specifies the safety-related process data, the safety-related configuration parameters, and the safety-related diagnostic information as well as the SRDO communication and mapping parameters. Safety devices compliant with this part consume SRDOs containing commands from a control device and produce SRDOs containing status information to be received by the control device. Safety devices compliant with this document provide typically local safety functions as well as safety inputs and outputs. The safety outputs can be used to assign safety status information or can be set by the command information of the safety logic. The document is based on the ETG.6100.2 Generic Safety Drive Profile by the Ethercat Technology Group (ETG), and it specifies the mapping to CANopen. NOTE The naming and the assigned indices and sub-indices of the parameters are far as possible the same as in the ETG documents. But some ETG parameters are represented in CANopen by two parameters, consequently two names are used. |
2015-12-02 3 MB | DSP Login |
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2022-04-13 3 MB | WD Login |
ScopeThis series of profile specifies the CANopen interface of power drive systems. It is suitable for drive and motion controllers. It specifies several operating modes for frequency inverters, servo-controllers, and stepper motors. The series of profile is split in several parts: • Part 1: General definitions; • (Part 2: Operation modes and application data); • (Part 3: PDO mapping); • Part 4: Safety functionality; • Part 5: PDO mapping superset. Part 2 and part 3 are substituted by the international standards IEC 61800-7-201 respectively IEC 61800-7-301. This part specifies the set of PDOs for CiA 402 compliant CANopen devices, which can control asynchronous and synchronous motors. |
2014-01-31 395 KB | DSP Login |
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2022-04-13 434 KB | WD Login |
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2022-04-13 982 KB | WD Login |
ScopeThis series of profile specifies the CANopen interface of power drive systems. It is suitable for drive and motion controllers. It specifies several operating modes for frequency inverters, servo - controllers, and stepper motors. The series of profile is split in several parts: • Part 1: General definitions; • Part 2: Operation modes and application data; • Part 3: PDO mapping; • Part 4: Safety functionality; • Part 5: PDO mapping superset; • Part 6: CANopen FD PDO mapping. This part specifies the CANopen FD mapping for frequency converters, servo drives and stepper motors as well as for multiple-axes systems. |
2016-10-10 783 KB | DSP Login |
ScopeThis specification specifies the CANopen application layer. This includes the data types, encoding rules and object dictionary objects as well as the CANopen communication services and protocols. In addition, this specification specifies the CANopen network management services and protocols. This specification specifies the CANopen communication profile, e.g. the physical layer, the pre- defined communication object identifier connection set, and the content of the Emergency, Time- stamp, and Sync communication objects. |
2011-02-21 3 MB | PAS Login |
ScopeThis document specifies the CANopen FD application layer and communication profile. This includes the data types, encoding rules, and object dictionary data objects as well as the CANopen FD communication services and protocols. In addition, this document specifies the CANopen FD network management services and protocols. It covers also the mapping to the CAN lower layers (CAN FD data link layer and CAN physical medium attachment options). |
2023-11-09 3 MB | DSP Login |