ISO 11898-1:2015

This standard specifies the Classical CAN as well as the CAN FD data link layer protocol plus the physical coding.

End of 2015, ISO has published the standard that specifies the CAN FD protocol. Pre-developed by Bosch on demand of carmakers and other parties of the CAN community, it was officially introduced at the 13th international CAN Conference at Hambach castle (Germany) in 2012. After submission to ISO for international standardization, the CAN FD protocol was improved regarding its reliability.

Therefore, two versions were implemented: non-ISO CAN FD and ISO CAN FD. In the future, only ISO CAN FD as standardized in ISO 11898-1:2015 will be implemented. Already in CiA’s next CAN FD plug fest in Detroit in April 2016 non-ISO CAN FD implementations are not more tested.

The CAN FD protocol and its application has been described in several iCC papers and CAN Newsletter articles. Many of them are downloadable free-of-charge:

iCC proceedings

CAN Newsletter magazine