No. 14 - October 04, 2024
A word from the CiA Managing Director

In November 1994, CiA published the predecessor specification of the CiA 301 CANopen application layer and communication profile. A couple of months before the release, the results of the ASPIC (Automation and Control Systems for Production Units using an Installation Bus Concept) research project were handed over to CiA for further maintenance and development. The title of the specification was: CAL-based application profile for industrial systems. The CAL (CAN Application Layer) was a CiA specification developed in 1992 and 1993.
This 30th anniversary is one more milestone in the CANopen history. CiA invites all CANopen suppliers to use the anniversary logo to demonstrate that they are part of the success story (a file with logo in 300-dpi resolution is available on request by email.
CANopen CC (classic) is used in many different markets. It features a software-defined application option from the beginning by means of standardized application profiles. CANopen CC also enables a parameter discovery functionality by means of scanning the object dictionary of the communication partners, in order to provide an interoperability of CANopen devices by means of an appropriate automatic device configuration. Software-defined entities (e.g. vehicles) and data as well as communication service discovery functions are hot topics in the automotive industry, which CANopen features since 30 years.
With CANopen FD these features have been improved. However, CANopen FD is not yet used that heavily. Missing hardware for industrial application is one reason. However, when functional safety and cybersecurity measures are demanded, the up to 64-byte data fields in the CAN FD data frames are needed. The possible bit rates of above 1 Mbit/s in the dataphase are another reason to migrate from CANopen CC to CANopen FD. Using CAN SIC (signal improvement capability) transceivers enables bit rates of up to 8 Mbit/s in the dataphase depending on the used network topology.

CAN Newsletter magazine
The September issue reports about the 30th anniversary of Codesys by means of an interview. There is also an article about the acquisition of Red Lion Controls by HMS Networks, which owns also the brand Ixxat. Another article by DCD describes the evolution of the (D)CAN IP core.
The articles can be downloaded individually or you can download the entire magazine.
MG (marketing group) CANopen
CiA is going to establish a CANopen marketing group. The inaugural meeting is scheduled for early November 2024, with the exact date to be announced. It will be an online (Zoom) meeting. The proposed scope of the group is to develop a joint marketing strategy for CANopen CC (classic) and CANopen FD. This includes organizing joint marketing activities at trade shows, CiA events, as well as publications in CiA-owned and third-party media (including social media). Members need to register by email; guests are welcome. In case you would like to participate, please register at secretary(at)can-cia.org.
CiA webinar: CiA profiles
On October 24 (start 15:00, UTC+2), CiA has scheduled a one-hour webinar about the CiA profiles developed for different areas of application. This webinar is intended to provide an overview of the existing CiA device and application profiles that are not necessarily well known, but that can improve interoperability in the respective application areas.
Participation in the webinar is free of charge. Registration is obligatory and is possible by email.
Standardization bodies and inclusive language
Since some time, IEC and ISO have made a commitment to use inclusive language. CiA has agreed, also to substitute non-inclusive terms in its specifications. But what means this to you? IEC and ISO jointly have published a “Guidance on the use of inclusive terminology”. There is some valuable information in it, which explains also the rational of using inclusive terms. Perhaps, you like to adopt this guidance for your datasheets, handbooks, etc. The U.S. organizations IEEE and NIST have released similar documents.
Renaming ISO/TC 22/SC 31/WG 4
This working group chaired by Holger Zeltwanger has been re-organized and renamed. The new name is “Network applications for commercial (road) vehicles”. The working groups will focus on commercial vehicle networks and interfaces. One of the active projects is the revision of the ISO 11992 series (known as truck/trailer link). Especially, e-trailer functionality needs to be added. The ISO 11992-4 (diagnostics) standard will be moved to the ISO/TC 22/SC 31/WG 2 (diagnostics). The ISO 26021 series (activation of pyrotechnical devices) is also not more at the WG 4 agenda; it specifies a CAN-based network to activate airbags, for example, at the car’s end-of-life. WG 4 is still in charge of the ISO 16844 series (CAN-based tachograph) and the new ISO 25200 document (body-builder network for commercial road vehicles).
CiA exhibits in Austin, Texas
From October 8 to 10, the Embedded World North America tradeshow takes place in Austin, Texas. CiA has a booth (1758) at this fair. CiA staff is there to inform visitors about new CAN technology developments including the CAN XL data link layer and the CAN SIC (signal improvement capability) XL transceiver approach. A CAN XL demonstrator will be shown on the booth. On the accompanying conference, Thilo Schumann is going to introduce the three CAN generations: CAN CC, CAN FD, and CAN XL.
Interested parties are welcome to make an appointment in advance by email.
U.S. government plans to ban Chinese software and hardware for connected vehicles
Recently, the U.S. Commerce Department proposed prohibiting Chinese software and hardware used in self-driving cars and trucks. The planned regulation also would force European, Japanese, Korean, and U.S. automakers to substitute software and hardware produced in China. This move would be a significant escalation in the United States' ongoing restrictions on Chinese vehicles, software, and components (including CAN hardware).
New video on Youtube
- Functional safety in CAN systems webinar - 2024-09-19
CiA activities
- CiA education and information events
- CiA groups
New CiA members since the last CCN
- Bee2Solutions (PT)
- Micro Resonant Technologies (AT)
- Specs Corporation (KR)
- Vita Inclinata Technologies (US)
CiA has 768 members (October 04, 2024)
CiA Product Guides
Editors: Olga Fischer, Holger Zeltwanger (responsible according to the press law)
Advertising: Birgit Ruedel (responsible according to the press law)
CAN in Automation (CiA) e. V.
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90429 Nuremberg (Germany)
Tel. +49-911-928819-0
AG Nuremberg VR 200497
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