No. 4 - March 8, 2024
A word from the CiA Managing Director

In this year, the theme of the International Women’s Day, on March 8, is “Invest in women: Accelerate progress”. Achieving gender equality and women’s well-being in all aspects of life is more crucial than ever if we want to create prosperous economies and a healthy planet, states the United Nations on its website. Women’s economic empowerment is central to a gender equal world. When women are given equal opportunities to earn, learn, and lead – entire communities thrive.
Historically, women were widely excluded from engineering careers. But there were some women, who became engineer, a long time ago. One of the female engineer pioneers was Edith Clarke (1882 to 1959). She was an American electrical engineer inventing the Clarke calculator, a tool that facilitates electricity distribution over long-distance DC/AC high-voltage transmission lines. Ada Lovelace (1815 to 1852) was a British computer pioneer, developing algorithms to compute Bernoulli numbers for the Analytical Engine mechanical computer by Charles Babbage. She was by some means the first software engineer. Maria Telkes (1900 to 1995) born in Hungary made contributes to solar energy and energy storage.
Since those days, the number of women becoming engineers has increased. Nevertheless, there are still nowadays more male than female engineers. In 2022, the percentage of female has increased in one year from 13 percent to 14, 5 percent in UK. In USA, the percentage increased from 13 percent in 2019 to 17 percent in 2021. In Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, and Portugal, there are about 50 percent of engineers women. In China, the female engineer rate is about 40 percent. This means, in many countries there is room for increasing the number of female engineers.
Let’s take a look to the mirror: CiA has two female engineers, Olga Fischer and Maryam Khaghani. This is 29 percent of the CiA engineering staff. The two women edit CiA specifications, support the CAN community with trainings and articles, etc. Unfortunately, the CiA community does not count many female engineers. When the CiA was founded in 1992, there were nearly no women participating in technical meetings. This has changed. Nowadays, we have in CiA technical groups an increasing number of women. One of the early ones is Heidrun Scheller working with Port Industrial Automation, a CiA member since 1992. She was active in CiA groups already in the early days of the CANopen higher-layer protocol development. She contributed especially to the CiA 402 profile specification for drives and motion controllers.

I hope, this trend goes on. One day (hopefully not that far in the future), the ratio between women and men becoming engineers is equal. Some countries already have achieved this goal (see above). By the way, February 11 is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, which was adopted in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly. From 2014, the International Women in Engineering Day is celebrated annually on June 23 around the world. It has been recognized by UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Culture Organization. Such events can be used as a trigger to invite girls and young women to become engineers.

CANopen on tour with Taylor Swift

At the Golden Globes and Emmys in January, as well as at the Grammys beginning of February 2024, motion controllers from Esitron (Germany) were in use. The motors are installed in the camera system “The Towercam XS++” from MAT (Germany). The drive for this camera column is the esiMotXL compact motor with a CANopen interface. “Of course, we mostly act in less glamorous spheres and offer drives, controllers, displays, signal converters, and gearboxes for production machines and industrial applications,” stated the company in a press release. “Nevertheless, we ourselves are a little perplexed and of course proud that our technology can go on tour with Taylor Swift.” Today, on March 8, she is in Singapore coming to Europe in May and the following months.
CiA General Assembly in Nuremberg
On April 09, 2024, members of CAN in Automation are invited to participate in the General Assembly, which takes place at 19:00 (UTC+2) in the CiA office in Nuremberg, Germany.
The annually CiA General Assembly elects the board of three directors. Every participating CiA member company has one vote. The Technical Director chairs the CiA Technical Committee, the Business Director chairs the CiA Business Committee, and the CiA Managing Director coordinates the daily business with the CiA team. The General Assembly also elects the members of the CiA Technical Committee and the CiA Business Committee.
Please register for the assembly via email. We are looking forward to meet numerous long-years and new CiA fellows.
CANopen in campers and in pleasure boats

Super-B, a Dutch company, producing Nomia and Nomada lithium batteries for recreation vehicles uses CANopen for connecting batteries to the company’s BMS (battery management system). In maximum, 99 batteries can be linked to a single CANopen network. The BMS consumes via the CANopen network the battery’s state-of-charge, alarms, etc. These batteries can also be used in pleasure boats and other applications, for example in forklifts and mobile robots.
New CiA technical manager: Dr. Martin Merkel

From March 2024, Dr. Martin Merkel is part of the CiA team. Many CiA members know him. He contributed especially to the CANopen CC (classic) and CANopen FD specifications. Already in the 90ties, he was involved in CANopen network designs, when he was working with CERN (Switzerland), the European Organization for Nuclear Research, one of the world's largest and most respected centers for scientific research. When he was employed by Ixxat (now a brand of HMS Networks), he was active in several CANopen-related CiA technical groups. With his deep knowledge and experiences in CANopen, he will serve and support CiA technical groups as CiA technical manager.
International CAN Conference (iCC) 2024
CiA has started to layout the collected 21 full papers and the keynote paper. As usual, CiA provides iCC conference proceedings to participants and to those, who are not able to attend the 2-days event in Baden-Baden, Germany. The 18th iCC takes place on May 14 and 15, 2024. The proceedings is available during and after the conference, which is sponsored by esd electronics and Vector.
Product panels at SPS 2024: Booking already possible
This year, the SPS trade show opens its doors from November 12 to 14. CiA is participating as an exhibitor (hall 5-410) and comprehensively informs the visitors about any CAN-related topics. The CiA member companies are invited to show their CAN(open) products on the CiA panel walls. If you would like to exhibit your product, please provide the completed order form to marketing(at)can-cia.org.
CANopen and CANopen FD poster
The DIN-A1 wall posters provide an overview and important technical details on CANopen respectively CANopen FD and are intended for distribution at trade shows and other events. The two posters provide spaces for advertisements, only available for CiA members. If you would like to advertise your company on the CANopen (FD) poster, please provide the completed order form to marketing(at)can-cia.org.
CAN Newsletter magazine
This is the first CAN Newsletter edition with re-integrated CAN Newsletter Online. There are technical in-depth articles as well as overview-style articles.
The cover story provides an overview about CAN-based network specifications for commercial vehicle body application units (BAU). This includes fire-fighting equipment as well as sub-systems for refuse-collecting vehicles. An important unit is the gateway to in-vehicle networks, which is standardized in DIN 4630. Such articles as ‘CANopen freeds AI’, ‘Learning platform for AMRs and AGVs’ by Faulhaber, and ‘Autonomous mobile robots in warehouses’ by Dunkermotoren are related to automated guided vehicles (AGV) and autonomous mobile robots (AMR). ‘CES 2024 report’, ‘Part II – Demands of real-time communication systems’ from EmSA, ‘SocketCAN versus LinuxCAN’ from Kvaser, and ‘Control solution for flywheel energy storage systems’ by STW are parts of the Engineering section.
The category Semiconductors introduces some ‘MCUs with on-chip CAN CC and CAN FD protocol controllers’ from Renesas and describes that ‘Mixing 3,3-V and 5-V transceivers is possible’ in an interview with Texas Instruments. Recent developments for two-wheelers are to find in ‘Safety and higher-efficiency solutions for motorcycles’ from Bosch and in the article ‘Light electric vehicles use increasingly embedded CAN networks’. Additionally, CiA informs about the ‘Recently assigned CANopen vendor-IDs’, ‘CANopen-certified devices by March 2024’ as well as the current ‘Standards and specifications’.
The articles can be downloaded individually or you can download the entire magazine.
New video on Youtube
- CANopen bootloader - 2024-01-24
CiA activities
- CiA education and information events
- Upcoming meetings (only for members)
New CiA members since the last CCN
- E.S.T.E. (IT)
- Globtrak (PL)
- Hirschvogel E-Solutions (DE)
- Idec Alps Technologies (JP)
- Novotechnik Messwertaufnehmer (DE)
- Optical Metrology Services (GB)
- Swift Home Lifts (SE)
CiA has 744 members (March 8, 2024)
Editors: Olga Fischer, Holger Zeltwanger (responsible according to the press law)
Advertising: Birgit Ruedel (responsible according to the press law)
CAN in Automation (CiA) e. V.
Kontumazgarten 3
90429 Nuremberg (Germany)
Tel. +49-911-928819-0
AG Nuremberg VR 200497
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