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CiA® Product Guides

The CiA Product Guide provides information on available CAN, CANopen, and J1939 products with worldwide sales contacts. It is highly integrated into the CAN Newsletter Online and linked to in CiA’s Weekly Telegraph. Product entries run for one year and can be updated anytime.

Interested parties may ask for an offer at publications(at)can-cia.org.

Contact us

Tel.: +49-911-928819-12
Fax: +49-911-928819-79
E-Mail: publications(at)can-cia.org

Additional information

CiA Product Guides

CiA publications

Join the community!

Established in March 1992, the CiA nonprofit association fosters the image of CAN technology. CiA members jointly develop specifications for different CAN application fields. The CAN community also finances CiA’s active participation in international standardization and organizes events in order to exchange knowledge and experiences. These opportunities for networking belong to the most important benefits of CiA membership

CiA also offers other services. These include seminars and conferences, publications, CANopen testing, and last but not least the promotion of CAN technology.

For more information please contact CiA office (headquarters(at)can-cia.org).